I’m a PhD student working in the Quantitative Fisheries Research Group, part of the School of Resource and Environmental Management at Simon Fraser University. My senior supervisor is Dr. Sean Cox.
My research is focused on improving ecological sustainability and profitability in multispecies groundfish fisheries. Multispecies interactions between high value target species and low value non-target species constrain profitability in fisheries, due to restrictive catch limits and non-selective fishing gear. I’m interested in how to use novel statistical methods and fishery monitoring data to improve assessment and avoidance techniques, leading to a more sustainable and profitable resource.
I received my Master’s degree from Simon Fraser University. I worked with Dr. Marni Mishna in the Department of Mathematics, counting restricted lattice walks in 2 dimensions.
I’m also a scientific consultant, currently working with Landmark Fisheries Research. I specialise in quantitative modeling of fisheries systems.
PhD in Resource and Environmental Management, 2019 (expected)
Simon Fraser University
MSc in Mathematics (Enumerative Combinatorics), 2012
Simon Fraser University
B. Mathematics, 2010
University of Newcastle